Home >> Products >> AMP-95
author:admin   source:admin   published:2013-12-01 17:42:09

Product name: AMP-95

CAS: 124-68-5

Molecular formula: C4H11NO

Molecular weight: 89.14

Description: AMP-95 is widely recognized as a multifunctional additive for all types of latex paints. The true benefits of AMP-95 are realized through optimization of other additives to maximize paint performance and minimize costs. When formulating a latex paint, it is important to consider the effects that AMP-95 and other raw materials have on paint performance, and in particular, early water resistance. Water sensitivity performance is a requirement that paints must meet if they will be subjected to moisture shortly after application. If the paint film has sufficient levels of slow releasing materials evaporating

from the partially cured finish, this film will be susceptible to moisture transmission at the surface. This moisture will typically cause blistering, loss of adhesion, or surface staining.