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Lalang Grass Rhizome Extract
author:admin   source:admin   published:2013-04-28 13:33:19
Lalang Grass Rhizome Extract

Product Name: Lalang Grass Rhizome Extract


Specification: 10:1


Detection method: HPLC


Botanical Name: Rhizoma Imperatae


About Couch grass Extract:

 Lalang Grass Rhizome is the dried rhizome of Imperata cylindrica Beauv. var. major (Nees) C. E. Hubb.(Fam.Gramineae).

Effects: Toarrest bleeding by reducing heat in blood, to remove heat, and to cause diuresis.

Indications: Spitting of blood, epistaxis and bematuria due to heat in the blood; febrile diseases with thirst; jaundice; urinary infection with difficult painful urination; edema in acute nephritis.